Welcome to Westmoreland High School

Dear WCPS Families: 
In the event of school closures due to inclement weather, WCPS has planned for remote instruction so that students can continue with learning from home. Lessons will be made available online, through download, and/or in the form of take-home learning packets. This will allow all students to participate, whether or not there is internet access at home.

Please note that attendance will be taken, and it is important for students to engage in their remote instruction or work through the assigned learning packet.  School principals and teachers will provide detailed information about the schedule and assignments. 

Thank you for your continued cooperation and support as we work through these weather challenges together!


Catherine Rice, Superintendent

Yearbook Sales

School Code: 15101

CIS Students

The directors of the Reedville Fishermen's Museum and the Deltaville Maritime Museum visited Westmoreland High School today to work with Mr. Lightfoot's CIS class to put the finishing touches on the interactive kiosks that have been created for the Fishermen's Museum.  

The CIS class visited the Deltaville museum earlier this semester to see examples of museum kiosks and to gain ideas for their kiosks.  The class has created two kiosks - one geographically/map based and the other topical.  Both kiosks are anticipated to be unveiled at the Fishermen's museum Saturday, Dec 7th.